WTFcomics is a GREAT comic series? Click the link above and treat yourself to a great comic story.

EQ Druids has a thorough guide for quadkiting.

The Druid's Grove forum also has a very nice post on how to quadkite for druids.

RPG EXPERT has a guide for quadkiting as well.

Here's a nice Wizard Soloing guide with techniques for wizard quadkiting.

Everquest Live Official Website.

The uber-reference on FACTION, ITEMS, QUESTS and more.

The uber-reference on NPCs.

The uber-map of Norrath and surrounds.

A very good refernce for spells.

EQ Druids

Aaron's Everquest Page
AllaKhazam's Everquest Faction Information
Arch of Chaos
Children of Tunare @ www.ezboard.com
Children of Tunare
Enchanter Guide
EQ Atlas
EQ Brewing
EQ Guild - free homepages for EverQuest guilds - Free email
EQdiva.com - Bards of Everquest    
EQLive Manual
EQmaps.com News
Everlore - A Deeper Look into EverQuest
EverQuest Explorers - Main Page
Everquest Guide
Everquest Jokes
EverQuest Rangers
EverQuest Stratics
EverQuest You're In Our World Now!
Glory's Everquesting
Illia's Everquest Bestiary
LeafRunner Wood Elf - Elf Druid Quest Armor
Lokari's Tailoring Guide - Tailoring Ingredients
Magelo - Powering Communities
Mythiran Tower (EverQuest Research Site)
New OutRiders Guild - EverQuest Links New Page 1
Raene's Dollz
Silent Watchers Public General Discussion Faydedar
The Druid Pages
Tradeskill Fashions
veeshan faction list
Welcome to EQDruids